Thursday, October 28, 2004

Marsh Art Gallery

University of Richmond's Marsh Art Gallery has a new show up, called New Math: Contemporary Art and the Mathematical Instinct, and I wish I had posted this earlier to announce the two related lectures. Unfortunately I'm too late to announce the first lecture, it's over, but you can still catch the second one given by artist Anne Morgan Spalter on Thursday, November 4, 9-7pm.

I haven't been to the show yet but am told it's a group exhibition of art inspired by math theories and concepts, and it's got everything from knitted hats to robotics to computer art to Alfred Jensen, structured around four themes. One of the artists included is Mel Bochner, who had my favorite piece at the Reynolds Gallery's summer works on paper show.

I bet I can get my buddy Mike to take me, he'd be into it.

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