Monday, January 31, 2005

Carson Fox

On the recommendation of bloggy I visited Clair Oliver Fine Art's site the other day and was very happily surprised to discover an old friend, Carson Fox.

Okay, more than old friend, I had a HUGE crush on her which she entertained for about three weeks before dumping me while I cut a tray of brownies. We worked together at a Philadelphia restaurant in 1988 or '89 , she was a waitress and I was a busboy, everybody wore rugby shirts. She was way out of my league - super smart, pretty, passionate, driven, fiery. She carried a tiny gun in her purse.

Coincidentally, I moved to Richmond a year and a half ago, and ended up moving into the house Carson grew up in. I'd have never known except that I happened to run into the previous tenant at Lowe's and we started talking - we both used to live in Philly, she had gone to the Academy of Fine Arts - I could have said twenty different Academy names but the one I said was "Carson Fox". It turned out that she and Carson were best friends and she had rented her place from Carson's mom, who had since passed away. Wow! If I had only said a different name we would have never made the connection. Makes you wonder how often that might happen.

Carson keeps surprising me, I still have a crush, and she's still out of my league. Some things never change.


  1. I knew that name sounded familiar. Turns out I mentioned Fox (who I assumed was a "he"), back when I did my little review of the Chelsea art scene last year. Fox's work was one of the few bright spots in an otherwise lackluster tour. And I remember thinking how brave it was that a guy would do such feminine work. The post is here. Yet another connection; could this be a sign pointing to your destiny?


  2. She's married now! Plus, I have a girlfriend.

  3. I was also in love Carson Fox. She is a dynamic and beautiful person.

  4. i love carson fox so much too. what a coincidence!!!! she is so sexy. wowee. yowza. i agree with everything said here!!!! and that blonde hair and snazzy attitude. woah.

  5. I saw her show just before it closed. I loved it. So beautiful but sad. She is a very dynamic person. Totally talented.

  6. She is a great teacher. One of my all time favs while I was at NYU.

  7. She's okay.

  8. really awesome awesome teacher

  9. Did you see her show in Richmond at 1708 Gallery? Martin, why haven't you written about it? I would think you would be all over that. It was AWESOME!!!!!

  10. Did you see her show in Richmond at 1708 Gallery? Martin, why haven't you written about it? I would think you would be all over that. It was AWESOME!!!!!

  11. no, i haven't even been yet!!! i have been working almost every day, no time. and i am sick as a dog.

    you are motivating me. i'll try to see it asap.

    are you in ny? now you have to go and see my show at DUMBO.

  12. I still love Carson Fox. Her last show at Claire Oliver (February 2007) was really different, really stunning, and I like the way she keeps changing. There are always relationships between the works, though. She was my teacher at NYU and is one of the only ones I remember.
