Monday, January 10, 2005


The University of Richmond has an online exhibit, Hypertemporality, featuring work by five artists "addressing the issue of rapid obsolescence caused by technological change". Go to the exhibit here.

My favorite is Joel Holmberg's Friendster project A Brief History of My Friends. Joel printed out the pages of Richmond Friendsters, stuck them in plastic bags, and strung them from telephone lines. He got a lot of complaints from people upset that information they had made available about themselves in the cyber-world had been dragged into the real-world and strung over telephone wires like an old pair of sneakers, and there was a poignancy to walking down the street and suddenly noticing one of Joel's packets of lonely(?) people hanging mostly unnoticed above. I took a couple photos. The Hypertemporality site tells all this much better than I do and also includes the hilarious video he made. The soundtrack is the theme from Cheers.

The exhibit was co-curated by Nathan Altice and Elizabeth Schlatter.

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