Sunday, January 16, 2005

Whitney Biennial

Now that the curators for the next Whitney Biennial have been announced I think I'll re-post the following Whitney Biennial submission information taken from the Whitney's website - it's real.

I would love it if artbloggers across the country cut and pasted this information onto their own blogs- no need to link, Tyler - and we can send the curators a message that we want to see more than simply a reflection of the Chelsea market. E-mail the information to your artist friends! Post it at your local art center! Submission is free, you'll get a cool rejection letter, and who knows - maybe someone will actually slip through the NYC filter of money and connections.


All submissions to be considered for exhibition in the Biennial should include the artist's biography or resume, a brief description of the proposed work, and between six and eight images. Recommended formats for images include slides, computer printouts, digital images on a CD_ROM, audio CDs, or VHS videotapes. We do not accept original artworks in the submission package.

Submissions may be sent to:

Biennial Coordinator
Whitney Museum of American Art
945 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10021

Good Luck!!!


  1. Um, so who are the curators? I went to the Whitney site and couldn't find the information.

    Do you have a link to the announcement or something?


  2. The curators are two Europeans, Chrissie Iles and Philippe Vergne.

    The submission info is taken from the 2004 Biennial site. Google "biennial coordinator" + whitney + submissions.
