Saturday, February 19, 2005

Glorious Opportunity!

John Ravenal is jurying radius250, a major art show featuring artists working within a 250-mile radius of Richmond. The 250-mile radius encompasses Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Charleston WV, Charlotte NC, Baltimore, Washington DC and everything in between.

This should be great, I hope the other artblogs within the submission area will post the info for their readers.

Deadline for submissions is April 30, 2005. The $25.00 entry fee sucks. The VMFA should consider a curated show of work from the same area.

Good Luck!!


  1. Damian, you are a rocker and an art critic? How do you have the time to wear so many hats?

  2. Sure - any friends or alter egos of Mountain Man are friends of mine.

  3. Martin,

    You are an A plus guy. Thanks. But I am not Damian or Pan. That is the honest truth. I have met them through blogging. I just wanted to fess up.

    You are a positive person and I am learning from your ways. For real.



  4. Martin,
    You are an A plus guy. Thanks. But I am wa wa wawa wa wa. This is the wa wa wa. I have wa wa wa. I just want to wa wa wa wawa.
    You are a positive person and I am wa wa wa wawaaw wa.
    wa wa.
