Thursday, February 17, 2005

i didn't know!

Yesterday I stopped by Reynolds Gallery and Kimberly asked why I didn't come to Heide Trepanier's gallery talk.

Today I went to the VCU slide library and saw a flyer for a February 6th talk on Iona Rozeal Brown that curator Tosha Grantham gave at the VMFA.

I didn't know! I would have loved to have gone to both, especially because I am not into either's work (reasons here and here) and would have liked to learn more and maybe even have my mind changed. Heide's murals look more interesting than her paintings, I've found a nice slideshow of them here.

Who knew about these talks and how did you find out? I go to every arty place in town and never saw that Iona Rozeal Brown flyer until today.

Congratulations, by the way, to Tosha Grantham on winning a travel/research grant from the American Center Foundation!


  1. No offence, but you were really lucky to have missed the lectures. I don't want to be mean because I really like her work, but public speaking is not heide's strong point. It always seems like she is going to break down and cry. It isn't a pretty sight.

  2. Thanks for the info. Please share what you like about her work.

  3. I like that fact that she is a really hard worker. I think you are right that she is derivative and I agree that she needs to push her work farther. But I have to admit that I like that style of painting so it doesn't annoy me. Jane Fine is another example of artists working in that vein. I love Jane Fine's work!! Also it is hard not to like the work of people who are very nice. I always see the good when it comes to the nice ones. That's all.

  4. I have to agree with anonymous, Heide makes what i call Williamsburg doodle paintings which you can see just about every month at Perogi 2000. The only thing special about her is that she is making them in Virginia. So lets pat her on the back for being "current". Oh their negative space is really interesting...
