Monday, February 14, 2005


Comments - Lots of comments added to a number of posts last week, especially Oliver Kamm and VCU Open Studios. I think the Kamm posts are over but feel free to continue discussing the merits of the VCU (or any other) MFA programs - this might be a good forum for students, staff, and faculty to have the discussion that is evidently needed.

It would also be great if some of you locals posted comments agreeing or disagreeing with some of my views on local shows. I've posted negative on Heide Trepanier, positive on Ron Johnson, and yesterday mentioned some of the work that I liked from the VCU Open Studios. Another blogger posted a defense of Trepanier on his own blog and somebody here added an anonymous comment wondering why I was giving Ron so much play - anybody else want to chip in and improve the local discourse?

Anonymous commenting is perfectly understandable in the cesspool of cronyism that is the artworld, but it would really help if you adopt a pseudonymous cyber-handle.

Nicole Cherubini - Nicole Cherubini is showing her G-Pots at ADA Gallery this month. James Wagner is a fan. Style Weekly ran a short blurb describing the work as "the “glitz” of the Jewish culture meeting the “bling” of the hip-hop world" but I talked to her at the opening and she said that wasn't quite accurate (maybe the Wagner description is better). I forgot to ask why they're called G-Pots. Is it a play on G-Spot? Are they Grafenberg Pots?

Here in Richmond the pots are on black pedestals, and with all the fur and shiny jewels I couldn't help but compare them to the work of David Altmejd. Nicole's husband, artist Patrick Purcell, told me she loves Altmejd's work.

Gentlemen! Everything you need to know about this so-called G-Spot here. Surprise someone special this Valentine's Day.

Blogroll - The blogroll to the right omits links to many other artblogs I've since discovered, and I mean to update that eventually. Apologies to other artbloggers like Sarah and Joy who have linked to anaba without getting a link back.

1708 Gallery - 1708 Gallery has a good three person show up that I've been meaning to say something about but haven't gotten to yet. More Than A Perfect World is curated by Alyssa Salomon and features the work of sculptor Chris Chase and painters Hiroshi Kimura and Erling Sjovol - the show closes February 22nd!!

Television - Tuesday Jonathan and Victoria from The Amazing Race will have a Romance Rescue with Dr. Phil! Thursday is the season premiere of Survivor followed by Martin Bashir's Michael Jackson's Secret World!

Courtesy of Forward Retreat: ARTSTAR is holding an open casting call for a new reality series culminating in a show at Deitch - I'm not sure if this is something that will really be on anywhere, certainly not network. Maybe some obscure cable channel. I'd rather try out for the Amazing Race with my sister, that would be FUN. My brother almost got on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.

Art Contests - Lenny of Washington DC Artnews always has the goods on Mid-Atlantic artist opportunities - if you are of a mind to enter art contests make sure you read him. I printed out the application of McLean Project For The Arts' Strictly Painting for consideration but I've since noticed the juror is Jonathan Binstock. Binstock was also the juror for the latest Mid-Atlantic round of New American Paintings so if you entered that contest and didn't get accepted you might want to re-think entering this one also. What's the point? Thanks for being such a contest hog, Jonathan Binstock!


  1. THANK YOU! Thank you for being so informative. You don't seem scared like some bloggers/ artists who are afraid to get the word out about opportunites for fear of competition. i admit that I sometimes get a little grubby like that. I don't think there is room for everybody. The artworld is a sewage treatment plant. A cesspool some say. Tear off the smirky smiles and you see little devil faces and hand painted horns. I'm concerned about that moment when I will know it is time to quit competing. when you are young you think you will never give up. but I watch older artists like a hawk, a hungry devil hawk. I see there is a point where you don't care about it anymore. women decide to have kids for a new project. guys get real jobs because they are tired of spending most of their time with a stupid day job. If you spend so much time there you might as well make real money, RIGHT!
    Anyway, I'm not done being a grubby little artist. So maybe I will apply for the reality show. MY GOD! What do I have to lose at this point. NOTHING REALLY. I'm used to humiliation. Each time I get a little SASE back with my slides I think about my demoralizing day job and wish I could make some money. You know, at a certain point you just start wishing you had some money and a family. I will never get over feeling inadequate because I can't support a family. OR A DOG FOR THAT MATTER.

  2. what's all this hubbub about??????????????? i hated my mfa experience. it rotted. and now i am an artist fully-fledged and out in the world. i went to columbia. it really rotted. wait, i already said that. i love my work though, make no mistake!!!!!

  3. mountain man,

    i have checked out your site and there is something really the matter with you. are you really an artist? if so, can you post a copy of your resume so we can see what shows you've been in?

    i'd like to know.

  4. hey lion king, who do you think you are? i am going to call your parole officer. i see from your blog that you have been in prison. you must have been a very bad boy. as for my credentials, i am going to be in the upcoming greater ny show at ps1 so there.

  5. wow, i am surprised. the only people who i heard that got in were steve mumford and jules debalincourt. how come i didn't get in and you did, mountain man?????? that makes me sick. are you going to do a performance at the opening? will we recognize you from your green furry suit? you suck. or are you just going to complain about your sad life?

  6. for your information, i am going to show paintings and three dimensional diagrams that document my elaborate and compelling performances. did you know that i got straight a's at columbia? in the mfa program. i am that good. now i will finally get some attention.
