Monday, February 28, 2005

Steve Mumford lecture

Steve Mumford will be lecturing in the VCU Student Commons Theatre, Wednesday March 2nd at 2pm.

You can still see a small selection of his Iraq painings at Reynolds Gallery - I think that show will be closing in a couple weeks.

Roberta Fallon (the one that doesn't have a problem with landscape painting) recently reviewed a Philly group show he is included in with something different. Also, Roberta's comparison in that same review of the Joy Garnett painting with Ryder's The Racetrack (Death on a Pale Horse) is spot-on!

Joy Garnett would be in my Whitney Biennial for sure.


  1. i love steve. i love joy. nice people. good times.

  2. I just came from the Steve Mumford lecture. The piece included in the Philadelphia show linked to in the post above was made before his first trip to Iraq. Those are two sleeping polar bears!
