Friday, April 01, 2005

Artist for Life!

San Francisco artist Anna L. Conti's blog Working Artist's Journal has an interview with an 84 year old artist named Charles Ware. This is my future, I'm sure - actually, it's not too far removed from me right now!! Anyways - fun read.

Here are a couple excerpts:

On first seeing the work of an artist he admires, "I went and saw that show when I was about 45, and my eyesight was terrible then. It was before I started to wear glasses. When I saw that work it excited me, but at the same time it depressed me because I knew I couldn't do it. Until I got glasses, and realized, I can do this after all."

Interviewer: You need some more light in here, Charlie.

Charles Ware : I need a new lease on life. There's no audience for this, now. If you're a ballplayer, you can make zillions. If you're an artist, you can't even pay the goddamn rent.

Who can't relate??

Thanks Anna L. Conti, this makes me want to make interviews too.


  1. Thanks so much for that link. What a great artist! I can relate.

  2. I just had a horrible thought - how does your mother pay your rent when you're eighty-four years old???

  3. Great to see that anaba had seen that great interview by Anna Conti on Charles Ware.
    I have been documenting Charles Ware and his family since 1972. Charlie made stencils when he could no longer paint, because of failing eye sight. He wrote letters when he could no longer make cut outs. Charlie was an original!!!!! We all miss him. John Takami Morita
