Tuesday, March 22, 2005

great blog, great comments thread

Usually I read artblogs on-line but if the post/comments look long I print it all out and read it in bed with a couple bottles of Yeungling.

So last night I read this post with the great comments exchange between Miguel Sanchez and Bunny Smedley.

Today I googled Bunny Smedley and have found a bunch more stuff to print-out and read tonight.

Thank You!!!


  1. Thanks for the kind words and link. It was a fun discussion. Bunny is a heck of a writer, in my opinion, so it's always a pleasure when she offers comments.

  2. it was fun to read. and bunny smedley is a good writer with an even better name! love it.

  3. found you through duane keiser link and thought you might also enjoy
    check it out!

  4. Just belatedly seen your kind words - thanks!

    As for Modern Kicks, it's an amazing blog - I have learned so much from it - not all about dumplings or music, either!
