Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Steve Jones II

Steve Jones' show at Main Art is reviewed in this week's Style Weekly by Jason Coates.

I'm in the middle of moving apartments, sorry about the light posting this week.

Mountain Man - your comments under the previous Steve Jones post were good questions, you're not a dummy! I'm just too busy to address them now.


  1. I am not a dummy. I sometimes say that because I am weird. REALLY WEIRD. That's ok. It's fun stuff.

  2. Why are you moving? Is the house being sold?

  3. Yes, sold. I was given two months notice two months ago. I had a great apartment for a great price - moving sucks! Luckily I had to rent a U-Haul or I'd have never known that my driver's liscence expires this March 22nd! That's NEXT WEEK!!

  4. I WILL MISS YOU Martin. I have been videotaping you for the last 2 years. I am smart with computers you know.

  5. Rick, that's so weird because I've been taping you for the last year and a half. I've got some hot stuff!

  6. Did you video my late night romper room "couples" parties? I did.
