Monday, April 25, 2005

Beverly Reynolds wins an Award

Beverly Reynolds was one of 10 Virginian women honored Friday at the YWCA of Richmond's Outstanding Women Awards luncheon. Here's the blurb from the paper on Mrs. Reynolds -

Arts -- Beverly Ward Reynolds

For 27 years, Beverly Reynolds, owner of the Reynolds Gallery, has brought to Richmond art created by renowned artists and has provided opportunities for local artists to showcase their work. She has also helped many expand their careers outside of Richmond.

In the interest of expanding the understanding and passion for contemporary art, Reynolds has created outreach programs for students and others in the community and has funded a scholarship.

She serves on the boards of the Virginia Commonwealth University Foundation, St. James's Church Children's Center, and the Citizens Advisory Council for the Furnishings and Interpretation of the Executive Mansion.



  1. i've only incidentally met mrs. reynolds like twice, but she is super nice (and i have a sense, really sincere). for real, i had come in from the rain to hear an artist talk and she made me feel comfortable and taken care of as i found my seat.

  2. Yes, she's super gracious nice and friendly to everyone that visits the gallery.

    and she's pretty!
