Friday, April 08, 2005

Chris Martin

James Wagner has a post on a really good artist named Chris Martin. These are good paintings.

Wagner says in his post that he can't afford one of these paintings but the Artnet site lists them all at $5,000 each. Can that be right? What a deal!

Can somebody please explain to me the contemporary art world's wild price discrepancies? Is it all just a matter of branding and p.r.?

I don't get it!!

UPDATE 4/8/05 -

They aren't all five grand. This one is $2,000, this one is $6,000, and this one is $7,500.

I was just thinking that Joe Fyfe would probably love this stuff so I googled "Joe Fyfe" and "Chris Martin" and saw that they were both included in the Kick-Ass Sid Sachs show covered by Fallon & Rosof.

UPDATE 2012 - so yeah in case anyone didn't know Chris Martin has since MADE IT.

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