Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Katharina Grosse

Katharina Grosse is giving an artist talk this Wednesday in conjunction with her upcoming exhibition at Solvent Space. The talk is Wednesday and I think her show opens on Friday, so I guess if you are thinking of driving from DC or someplace for the talk you would need to come back again to see the show? She's in town now working on it - maybe a sneak preview is possible.

I'm excited that she's showing here - the work makes me think of Joan Mitchell and Monet's waterlilies at Orangerie but it's done right on the wall/floor - really beautiful like a garden. I'm also now recalling the Cy Twombly room at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

UPDATE 04/12/2005: This stuff is so gorgeous.

What makes it even more exciting is that the Grosse exhibit is happening barely a year after a VCU art student was sentenced to prison for - if I remember correctly - two years for his graffiti art. I think the terms of his sentence also demanded that he speak to fellow VCU art students about the "perils of graffiti". That kid was no Katharina Grosse but it certainly takes some nerve for the department to be inviting her and hopefully will provoke some spirited community debate, although I wouldn't count on it because I don't think VCU is too interested in promoting it locally.

Wednesday, April 13, VCU Student Commons Theater. I'm not sure if the lecture is at 3pm or 3:30pm. Call (804)827-0984 to confirm.

Somebody contact the Fan District Association!!!

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