Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Kindred Spirits

I've been meaning to post this since seeing on Fallon and Rosof that Asher Durand's Kindred Spirits would be deaccessioned. I saw this painting of painter Thomas Cole and poet William Cullen Bryant at the 2002 American Sublime show in Philadelphia.

That show, Tim Barringer's lecture, and the catalogue were INSPIRING. I was in Philadelphia for the summer with a show at the Philadelphia Art Alliance and taking break from Japan. We sublet a PAFA student's apartment and I got a summer job at the Philadelphia Zoo.

I was certainly thinking of the American Sublime show (among other things) when I created a 2003/2004 body of work but it wasn't until last fall, after I put the mostly untitled work up on my inliquid page, that I realized how much I was unconsciously referencing Durand's Kindred Spirits in this painting. The title is now Kindred Spirits.

Thanks, Asher Durand.

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