Monday, April 18, 2005

Libby Lumpkin - OPTIONS 2005

Got my rejection, at least a week ago, for the OPTIONS 2005 show.

On Friday I saw this post on Lenny's blog informing that the juror, Libby Lumpkin, "has scheduled her second visit to the area later this month. She will be continuing her tour of graduate programs in the area, as well as reviewing remaining written submissions in the WPA/C office".

This weekend I heard about a couple of other artists who have also received their rejections. The funny thing is that everyone I know who has applied has received a rejection except all the current grad students I know that applied. What does that mean? Especially after reading the sentence highlighted above? Are some artists being rejected by slides and some by studio visits? Are artists affiliated with institutions being given preferential consideration?

Someone told me that she will be at VCU this Wednesday visiting studios - I'm not sure if she is visiting everyone's studio or only those students that applied to be in the OPTIONS 2005 show. My feeling is that if I were a current VCU grad student I wouldn't have already received an OPTIONS rejection - I would be getting a studio visit from the curator.
I know a number of good-enough VCU grads that didn't apply - if one of them ends up in this OPTIONS show I'm going to puke.

What would Dave Hickey say???


  1. I'm not a grad student and I haven't gotten a rejection yet. or any communication about a studio visit.

  2. Hey Martin,

    I'm not an art student either and I haven't been rejected yet. I'm sure it's just a matter of time.

    I too wonder if she's reviewing grad students who applied for the show or if she will be looking at others too. If she looks at those who didn't apply, I wonder how fair that is. I'm going to reserve judgment though as I really don't know much about what's going on. We'll see how it plays out.

  3. If you have NOT been rejected and DON'T have a studio visit scheduled you seem to be at a disadvantage.

  4. I just recieved an email that studio visits will NOT happen this weekend as scheduled due to Ms. Lumpkin's illness. A lot of artists are going to be inconvenienced by this. It makes me wonder if this show will happen at all? And if it does, will the artists be treated professionally, or as an after thought?
