Saturday, April 02, 2005

my show at ADA II - TRUE STORY

Last night was the opening of the three-person show I'm included in at ADA Gallery. John's is usually the last gallery to lock it's doors and kick people out and the streets are pretty deserted by that time. A lady approached me in the gallery and asked me to escort her about four blocks to her car - she was a little nervous about walking alone. I don't think she knew I was one of the artists in the show.

So... we're walking down Broad back to her car and she asks me what I thought of the show. I said I thought it was pretty good.

She: I really liked that work by that one guy, those were really good. They were funky.

Me: Yeah? Which guy?

She: The statues. Did he do those paintings too?

Me: Which paintings?

She: The one with the statue in it.

Me: Yes, he did. That's Michael Ferris.

She: I also really liked those paintings by that other artist too. A lot.

Me: Which ones?

She: The white ones with the little birds and sugar.

Me: That's Susan Jamison. Yeah, she's good.

Silence the rest of the way to the car.


  1. I commiserate. I showed my co-workers my drawings on friday. they were frightened for my mental health and there was no praise. Maybe this scaredy cat works with me. She sounds a little dim.

  2. I commiserate. I showed my co-workers my drawings on friday. they were frightened for my mental health and there was no praise. Maybe this scaredy cat works with me. She sounds a little dim.

  3. Avenger - She wasn't that bad, except for asking if the same guy who did the sculptures made the painting of the sculpture. I edited a bit, but that was the gist. Once we got to her car she drove me back to the gallery and asked if I was an artist and what kind of work I did. I gave a very general description without sharing that I was the third artist in the show - didn't want to embarass either of us. It was funny.

    I can't complain. No sales but more than enough praise.

    Are you in Richmond? Did you show your drawings someplace on First Friday?

  4. Lovers basking in the radiance of the setting sun can bring tears of joy, sorrow, or both. Or a quick turn to bask in the glow of something busier, with a bit more zing maybe.
    I give it an enthusiastic thumbs up.
    I also thought that your haircut was perfect, I've been upset with my flop of greasy yuck for a while. Perhaps you'll point me in the direction of your stylist on my next visit to the RVA.

  5. Wow, Kai - double thanks! Last time I got a haircut I did in fact go to a fancy place (for Richmond), but it was months ago. And what are you talking about anyway? You looked great!

    Congratulations on Skowhegan!!!!

  6. I am in richmond but without a gallery. I showed them to my coworkers at work. they were so curious, but in the end, not so open.
