Tuesday, April 05, 2005

new painting

ADA Gallery owner John Pollard has updated his homepage and it now includes a photo of one of my most recent (2nd-rate? crappy?) paintings. This painting is small, maybe 8" x 11", and a bit brighter in reality. Four hundred bucks and it's yours.

I'm pointing this out because I haven't updated my Inliquid page in a while - all that stuff is from almost a year ago at the latest.

Also - A friend has e-mailed me with some nice thoughts on Susan Jamison's work in response to what I wrote earlier - he/she is too shy to post a comment but I think this is nice and I am placing him/her in the Commenter Protection Program and posting it anyway.

"hey there martin.... I was just reading your blogg, but Im too shy to write anything on it. the birds with the strings is one of my favorites also. the out stretched hand with the strings attached to some of the birds and not others,.... and the broken string on one of the birds---------they all symbolizes the relationships we have in life. those who stay with us. those who break away from us, those we cut away ourselves ( why the sissors are there) and those that come back, even though there are no strings...like heartstrings... no real strings attached.... and there was a string that went off the canvas.... for those relationships that are distant, but who are still, very much attached. there is a lot of depth there, in the artists work, there is also a lot of pain. each of those paintings have a story to them, especially the one you like. you are right about susan, she is a very beautiful person, but she ain't no girlie girl : )"

If you have anything to say about any of the shows you saw on Friday please feel free to leave a comment - don't worry, nobody has to know who you are.


  1. I wish I could have gone to your opening. The stuff on the website looks great. I'm not familiar with Susan Jamison's work, but it looks good (and your red painting, too). Wish they posted more. I've seen the Michael Ferris piece posted there in the flesh up here and it's incredible. You probably know that his father, mother, and sister are (or were) all artists.

  2. I didn't! But I do know that he married an artist - Rosemarie Fiore.

    I missed her recent local lecture, sorry I won't be able to post on it.

    Thanks Cynthia.

  3. Well there you go. I didn't know they'd got married. Such gossips!
