Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Art For The Cash Poor

I've signed up for Art For The Cash Poor in Philadelphia this summer. Do you want to do it? It's happening Saturday June 11th.

You can sell your stuff as long as the maximum price is kept at $150.00. The cost to participate is $40 - a little more if you want to rent a table or chair. Two artists can share a table.

The deadline to reserve a spot is May 7th - reservations must be made via e-mail (info@inliquid.com) by May 7th and payment in full received no later than May 16th.

Then I'm going straight to Basel!

FYI - this is an inliquid event


  1. i'd be into going, if you drive and we get to see the barnes (or is it too late?)...

  2. Martin you are a lovely soul. Thanks for "keeping it real."

  3. donnygeorge - I don't have a car! I was going to probably take the overnight bus up Friday night and back on Saturday night - but a Sunday Barnes visit sounds like a nice idea. I'll look into it.

  4. how are you going to get your work there? will they let you carry a bunch of stuff on the bus?

  5. I'm just bringing small things and ideas.
