Friday, May 13, 2005

for "confused in CALI"

Gabriel Bennet, originally uploaded by Bromirski.

Hey Cali - I've got some photos from the VCU thesis show (2nd round) per your request. A view of Gabriel Bennet's piece is above. I'm not sure what the silver material is, it's not tin foil. More like something from the space shuttle. Also available to see on my flickr account is another view of Gabe's piece, a view of Matt Gamble's work, and a couple shots of Timothy Micheal Martin's stuff here and here. Judith Baumann has posted photos as well, click the little hand on the bottom left to see them all.

For the first round work please see my posts here and here and Judith's photos here.

1 comment:

  1. Martin thanks for posting images of my show. I hope that you write about the Daniel Buren lecture soon. Did you know about the current student art show on the third floor of 1000 West Broad. A lot of the undergrads that you have written about will have work up salon style. Thought that you should know. May 14th 6-10PM and May 15th 12-5PM.
