Friday, May 27, 2005

Hans Heiner Buhr

Through a comment on J.T. Kirkland's blog I've discovered the blog and work of Hans Heiner Buhr, a German artist living in Tbilisi, Georgia. His work is good and he's got some strong opinions - check out what he says about local artist Duane Keiser. He has also posted in the comments section to Kirkland's recent review of Kehinde Wiley on DCist. I'll excerpt -

"I think this is really the opposite of art- very bad art- no art at all. Sorry for the young artist, he has to start again. Wrong road for sure. I can not see any Tiepolo, Titian, Ingres or Raphael at all, but even if, that would be the wrong way too"

Some of the work he's posted on his blog reminds me a bit of the EXCELLENT Nancy Spero show of Vietnam era work I saw in NYC a while back. He's also got me thinking of Joy Garnett.

Best of all, I just love artblogs and how they are letting artists from all over become aware of each other's work and have conversations. Some of my favorite artists now are artists I have never seen in a glossy magazine or have had a Chelsea show. Wow.


  1. I love to see your comment about artblogs. I've been artblogging for well over a year now and have been watching as more and more excellent artists from around the world come to the party. I track them through RSS feeds and it's like having my own art magazine that updates every day. I'm in heaven.
    My blog is at

  2. Martin. Where is the fun we once had? Where has your righteousness gone?

  3. Concerned Reader - Why don't you send me some tips? I'd like to know what galleries are rental spaces and/or make artists pay for magazine ads.

  4. I'm not sure about this. These galleries are infidels and should be punished for sure. We do have a bum deal don't you think? YEARS of commitment to the craft, cost of studio, cost of art supplies, cost of retarded MFA, mental cost of menial unrewarding job needed to pursue our "project." I am suddenly depressed. must go.

  5. I know of one certain gallery that is criminal. The artists must pay for their ads and do not get paid for works sold for months and even years, if ever. The money goes to the dealer, who thinks it's ok.

  6. please divulge so that all may avoid. consider it a service to your community

  7. Set up an anonymous hotmail account (if you're shy) and e-mail me your galleries. I'll contact them and report back their responses or non-response. I'm aware of a couple already.

    All will be revealed.
