Saturday, May 14, 2005

touched by Daniel Buren!

Martin Bromirski
I brought this painting to the Daniel Buren talk Thursday and tried to get him to let me take a picture of him holding it and making a "thumbs-up" sign but he wouldn't do it. He touched it though!

He posed for a photo with me fortunately and I'll be sure to post that twenty-six disposable camera photos from now. I was wearing a striped shirt. I've previously posted images of my work from 2003 and 2004; this one is from 2005 and more indicative of my most recent work. It's only about 10"x14".

The talk was great.


  1. Why did you ask him to pose like that? You are a funny one.

  2. Why did he ask him? Two words: Thumbs-up Mandala.

  3. Ham Paw? You are a tool.

  4. I like this idea of having other artists touch your art. Maybe you can create a collection of art touches?

  5. Nate is right about the Thumbs-Up Mandala (he's seen it). I try to get powerful artists to affirm my work with a thumbs up photo. These photos are arranged in a mandala.

    Not all of them will pose with a thumbs up, but if they touch the painting it's still good. Some of their power will rub off.

    This magic is anti-rejection.

  6. You are a god.

    BTW, 10 x 14 is my favorite size for little paintings.
