Tuesday, June 28, 2005


EnvironMental is opening tomorrow at Reynolds Gallery - a group show curated by Kimberly Conrad and Ron Johnson and featuring the work of Megan Biddle, Sun Tek Chung, Todd Dobbs, Emily Hall, Bryan Steiff and Sayaka Suzuki.

Sun Tek is also currently featured in Relativity at the Anderson Gallery.

Opening reception Wednesday, June 29th, 7 to 9pm.


  1. Ugh, everything is about VCU favoritism in Richmond. Same annoying favorite suck ups every time and everywhere. one more trecherous year and I'm outta here.

  2. That's what I said at this time last year but when we got to the start of the new academic year I bailed.

    I'm so glad I did!

    "R" loves to have his ass shined and picks his favorites early (regardless of performance) - if you aren't one now don't expect next year to be any better.

    Don't worry though, VCU will only buy those students shows for so long. Eventually (unless they become employees) they will have to get in one themselves.
