Sunday, June 26, 2005

Katharina Grosse at Solvent Space

The Katharina Grosse show at Solvent Space closes July 9th. More images here. That big white space on the wall was created by working over this piece of wood and later removing it. The removed piece was placed vertically in a separate room which was left otherwise untouched.
Who's next? Daniel Buren? Ann Hamilton? Dennis Oppenheim? I hope Daniel Buren comes back.
Related - Katharina Grosse lecture blogged here and here. Installation visit here.


  1. PLEASE. I beg of you. stop showing katharina grosse's "work" It is beyond horrible. It is ridiculous. Make it stop.

  2. Anonymous - I was disappointed in this installation also. The photographs of previous shows on her website looked better.

    It was a very good lecture though.

  3. Martin thank you for showing Katharina Grosses work, I like the new stuff also very much, the piece after 9/11 was also new to me.
