Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Daniel Buren, Inside (Centre of Guggenheim), 1971

Daniel Buren, Inside (Centre of Guggenheim), 1971. Installed for one day.

I came across this color reproduction of Buren's 1971 Guggenheim piece over the weekend. This title is different - I thought it was called Peinture-Sculpture. Maybe one title is for the piece and the other for the exhibition, like with the latest exhibition The Eye of the Storm and the big centerpiece Around the Corner? Doesn't he have another title for the gel-covered windows at the top, something like The Rose Window? Isn't it all one piece? Why the different titles?

Here's Daniel Baird's Brooklyn Rail article on Buren's 2005 Guggenheim installation.

I blogged the Daniel Buren lecture, part one here and part two here.

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