Thursday, July 21, 2005

I, Ninja

Ninja, originally uploaded by Bromirski.

Sorry posting has been light. I decided to become a Ninja. Training has been rough, but four days later here I am - reborn!

Martin (Codename: "Blackie")


  1. um...good luck with that

  2. I always thought to myself that you would make an excellent Ninja.

  3. That's the most polite looking ninja I've ever seen in my life. You have a sword in your hand which tells me you wanna fight, but the look on your face tells me that you have just finished preparing tea for your guests. I blame the photographer, who clearly didn't rattle-off enough names of dangerous and corrupt postmodernists.

  4. How tall are you? What are you a Fairy Ninja? Look at the size of those weeds! Tinkerbell is bigger.

  5. I'm going to cut off both your heads.
