Thursday, July 07, 2005

Jules Jones

A fellow Jules Jones fan and collector has sent me a link to an interview and images of his work. Make sure you click on the thumbnails to see the full image, those are just details.

I have two Jules Jones works, one small one and one big one. The small one is one of the exhibition announcements he posted last year, they were all original works of art themselves (I didn't take it from the bulletin board until after the show was over). I lucked out getting the big one too. Theresa Pfarr gave me a bunch of big stretchers she didn't want anymore and I passed some of them on to Jules and Michael Ellyson and some others. Jules stretched some canvas and made one of his biggest paintings, and one of his few works-on-canvas, and then gave the painting back to me. I think it was just too big for his small space and he is used to working on paper and rolling them up after. He couldn't deal with this big painting of his in his face all day. Thanks Jules!!!

Jules is moving to Austin TX soon to pursue an MFA, Theresa has a residency at Roswell, Mike is going somewhere too. Remember their names, they are all very good.

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