Monday, August 08, 2005

Sculpture Invitational

s first annual Sculpture Invitational opens August 26th with a walking tour beginning at 6pm at Artspace and ending with the final sculpture at Legend Brewing Company.

Participating artists include - Margery Albertini*, Gabriel Bennett, Andrew Campbell, Tom Chenoweth, Frederick Chiriboga, Ed Holten, Greg Kelley, Jeffry Loy, Mackie Macmillan, Giovanni Meola, Fumiaki Odajima, James Parker, Charles Ponticello, and Wayne Trapp

This is a great idea, I'd especially like to see something interspersed - and related/reacting to - among all those Civil War statues on Monument Avenue. Maybe Allison Smith and those Muster people can come down next year and camp out on Monument? That would be a hoot. Here are some more Muster photos from Corny's flickr account.

For those that don't know - Monument Avenue is a broad avenue with a wide park-like median dotted with huge equestrian statues of Civil War heroes like J.E.B. Stuart, Stonewall Jackson, Jefferson Davis, and Robert E. Lee. The last lonely statue on Monument is this one of Arthur Ashe.

*bad sign - fourteen artists and only one woman?

photo credit: Mike Lynaugh - The James River Rangers march past the "Stonewall" Jackson monument along Monument Avenue during the Confederate Heritage Parade in Richmond, VA. - here are more photos.


  1. I really appreciate your mention on the Blog, Richmond art happenings usually suffer from lack of awareness... One question??? Why is it a bad sign having only one woman? Why not withhold your comments regarding the show until you see it, maybe then you could praise individual sculptures you like, criticize those you dislike and make grounded comments regarding overall curitorial decisions. Oh and by the way, the Exhibition Organizer is a woman. Hope to see you there!

  2. Frederick Chiriboga's work in this show is fantastic. I hope to see much more of it in the future.

    C. Deadwyler
