Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Peter Corrie

Peter Corrie is showing a collection of scrappy (not crappy) drawings and paper sculptures at Nonesuch. Corrie's drawings collected here are, for the most part, more than just another collection of doodles.

Corrie made most of this work while living alone in his recently deceased grandparent's very large house in rural New York and it must have been more than a little spooky. His imagination has run wild in these cartoony drawings featuring a demonic rug and carnivorous ghost/clouds tearing the artist to shreds. The source of all the evil seems to be the round throw-rug. A few of the drawings don't quite relate and are waaay too Ray Pettibon.

The oddball piece here might be the morbid black skillet sculpture with a cast of the artist's face. It's like a cartoon prop except for the face, which is very realistic; a meeting-of-two-worlds kitchen death-mask.

Nonesuch is a great little place. I had thought it was a shop that hung some art but the gallery part is the front room with the clothes in the smaller back room. I went to this opening last week immediately after the opening at whatever the Hand Workshop is now called - big generational difference. Mostly "adults" at the Hand with all bicycles and cool kids in front of Nonesuch, completely different crowds. Both shows are worth a visit.


Nonesuch is seeking work for an open invite group show consisting entirely of handmade or found wearable masks. The deadline for entries is Wednesday, Sept. 28th at 6pm. The show opens Saturday, October 1st 7-10pm.

For October the gallery will temporarily converted into a fully functional dungeon complete with iron maiden and they are going to show horror movies every week. Go to the website and click around for more info.

Peter Corrie Trivia - he is in a movie!


  1. Thanks, Martin. Good info on all fronts.

  2. I think Pettibon is a logical comparison to make, but I think Corrie’s work is different in several ways. At first glance, they do have a similar touch, but Corrie’s drawings are more scratchy and agitated. Pettibone uses cross-hatching, and typically creates clearly recognizable subject mater. Pettibon also has more of a pop culture focus, where I think Corrie’s work is more about his inner world. Also, and most importantly, Pettibon usually uses text to aid his communication. As a result, you get a pretty good inkling as to what he is trying to say. Corrie’s work on the other hand, is layered with his own private language of symbols. You have to use a certain amount of intuition to derive meaning.

  3. Derick - I was thinking specifically of a couple of wave drawings he is showing here, in which if you added a little surfer and a line of text it would be (almost) a Pettibon. Yes, the line quality is different. Yes, also, in that these Corrie pieces are more person and place specific.

    I didn't say they were bad, did I? I bought one.
