Tuesday, October 11, 2005

recent artblog Richmond(VCU)-related mentions

Tyler Green plugs both the current show at the Anderson Gallery and tomorrow's Eric Fischl talk. Tyler says that Surface Charge is the best contemporary group show he has seen so far this season, and also praises the website. If you click on "view exhibition" you come to a map of the galleries, and if you click on the individual artist's names you can see their work. I will definitely be going into more depth with this show at a later date (the show closes December 4th), the good and the lame. My favorite is Lisa Sigal.

Grammar Police talks about Alessandra Torres at JET Artworks. Make sure you read the comments because he gets a long rebuke from Thomas Robertello, the owner/director of the gallery.

Lenny has a couple pics from the Options show. This is the only Options stuff I've seen so far, but I'm sure there willl be more.

JT Kirkland says Kendall Buster's show at Fusebox is a knockout. Some very positive thoughts. Lenny has the link to Washington Post critic Blake Gopnik's review.

Bloggy recommends Siemon Allen (Kendall's husband) in Williamsburg. I think someone else does also, but I can't find it now - I'll update later.

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