Thursday, October 13, 2005

Whitney Biennial artist gossip

Okay, so now we know that Pierre Huyghe is one of the artists included in the upcoming Whitney Biennial. Who else? Below are some rumored maybes -

Franklin Evans
Tim Gardner - click on his name under "artists"
Robert Gober
Pierre Huyghe - excellent excellent artist, my favorite on this list, but isn't he French and doesn't he live in Paris? Didn't he represent France at the Venice Biennale five years ago? What is he doing in a survey of contemporary American art?
Dana Schutz
Phoebe Washburn - I'm a collector!

Where are the curators now? In China or Ljubljana? When are they coming to Richmond? The closest I have heard they have visited (outside of NYC) is Puerto Rico.

The 2004 California Biennial consisted of all California artists. THING: New Sculpture from Los Angeles featured all LA based artists. Why did the last Whitney Biennial include Kusama Yayoi (born and lives in Japan, except for a brief period in NYC more than thirty years ago), Liisa Roberts (born Paris, lives Helsinki), and Isaac Julien (London)? I don't get it. Surely there is somebody in Philadelphia or Chicago or Seattle or Detroit or Cleveland or Indianapolis or DC or Portland doing something interesting.


  1. "I'm a collector!" - Don't you mean thief? You stole a piece of her art. Karma's a bitch.

  2. I thought karma was a chameleon.

    Anyways, you don't know the half of it. I didn't even see that show. Those pieces were acquired on the secondary market.

  3. you get more and more foul with each post. I can't believe you an artist would deface another artists work. Oh right, I am sure it was just a little bit, and isn't really stealing, still gross.

  4. wow, somebody is an angry puss. Hang in there, martin. we believe in your innocence. Anonymous needs intensive therapy.

  5. Let me guess. Did anonymous go to VCU?

  6. did just curious go to vcu?

  7. Just curious can smell a rat from the other side side of the continent. skillful, huh?

  8. peace out haters
