Sunday, November 20, 2005

big painting award

Didn't apply for this last year, but I wish I had. Maybe this year. Ron Johnson is one of the jurors!?

Ron also has a review in the current NYArts on the Paul Ryan show. Ron and Paul are both faculty in the VCU painting department and both are represented by Reynolds Gallery. Paul's wife Dinah wrote the Art Papers studio visit on Ron earlier this year (March/April 2005 issue), and Paul and Dinah together co-curated the Adaptation Syndrome show that Ron didn't belong in (even though his work was some of my favorite).

Paulette Roberts-Pullen on the Paul Ryan show for Style Weekly here.
Me on Paul Ryan here and here - with questions!

BONUS! - Here is an excellent collection of photographs of the Adaptation Syndrome show!


  1. Sounds like they are in big trouble!

  2. I don't think so. The boss encourages this type of stuff. It's pathetic.

  3. Get over it Martin. Another sad post by a sad artist who just doesn't realize that his career sucks because his work sucks. You are right, it's pathetic.

  4. Jesus christ Anon, maybe you should stop being an ass. It is truly pathetic to go on someone's blog to insult them. I don't know martin, but I like his work from what I have seen on his blog. I also love that he notices the inbreeding of the artworld. Anon, you must be benefiting from the system to be so self-righteous. I'm sure it will get you far! Go for it tiger!!! Your work is truly worthy!!!

  5. keep dreaming anonymous. People whose work is good often don't have worldly success. Can I assume you are right out of school?

  6. umm...slightly unrelated, but is this the martin bromirski of the library geek fame? (don't worry, it's me, co-geek juliette.) i haven't seen you at the library lately, so you have dispelled my theory that you resided somewhere in the basement of the ol' jbc. even though it's too cold for a canoe ride (what? WE hafta row?), think you can write me an email sometime?

    p.s. i like your blog, and i am sorry to see there are some people that are rather liberal with their venom.
