Wednesday, November 09, 2005

three local artists in three magazines

Paul Goode - a photo of Paul Goode's work is included in the newest issue of Tokion (#50). It's an article on artist Rich Jacobs, who recently co-curated Carry On, the Feigen show Goode took part in.

Here is Goode's blog entry on the show. I still need to add Paul's blog to my blogroll - sorry Paul, that's next!

Elizabeth King - there is a photo and many very nice words on Elizabeth King's contribution to the San Jose Museum of Art's Brides of Frankenstein in the reviews section of the current issue of Modern Painters.

I think it was Modern Painters. I forget now. Someone tell me if I'm wrong.

Robert Rainey - Robert recently moved to Albuquerque, but not so long ago that it isn't worth sharing with Richmond readers that he is the subject of a studio visit feature in the current Art Papers!

I liked his radius250 photo.

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