Friday, December 09, 2005

ABMB: Art Basel Miami Beach III

Rirkit Tiravanija
Rirkrit Tiravanija at (?). From the same installation.

Marlene Dumas
Marlene Dumas at Zeno X Gallery. It says something like "it's done if I say it is", written in pencil at the top right. Here's a detail of the face.

Goudzwaard Kees
Goudzwaard Kees, also at Zeno X Gallery. This was a good gallery - here are some interesting drawings by someone named Van Kerckhoven Annemie. My photos are not good.

Here is a bad photo of a good Naomi Fisher painting at Frederic Snitzer. I like her photography, then she was involved in that fun Gelatin project in NYC at Leo Koenig recently, and now here is a painting! It was very liquidy, much better in person.

I like this one a lot. Oh wait, this is mine. It's in my apartment.

Barkley Hendricks
Barkley Hendricks at Projectile. This is called Family Jules, from 1974. Here is another angle of the Hendricks, here is a Hendricks from 2002.

What is this? This is a detail of this.

Candida Hofer(?) at (?).

William Kentridge
William Kentridge at (?)

Who did this? I liked it a lot, but forgot to write anything down.

MORE: David Altmejd, Chapman Brothers, Barnaby Furnas, Mary Heilman, Thomas Hirschhorn, Gary Hume, David Reed, Matthew Ritchie, Yoshie Sakai, Cindy Sherman, Sarah Sze.


  1. Martin,

    Thanks for the pics. I was surprised to see Barkley Hendricks in there. I took a drawing class with him in college...probably one of the most difficult and challenging classes I was painful at times, but during the course of the semester, I actually drew stuff.

  2. inka essenhigh is the painter

  3. anonymous - thank you, but no, this isn't an essenhigh. maybe you are thinking of her "green wave", similar thing happening.

    i have actually since come across this artist's name, but have forgotten it again.

  4. Hi Martin,

    In case you are still looking for the name of the artist of that painting, his name is Thomas Helbig. I just happened to be looking at his work yesterday. You can see it here:

  5. scott - thanks... i need to update this post.

    i favorited another painting of his that i saw on someone's flickr site from the recent (2007) ny art fairs... i am into his painting.

    this one is so similar to an inka essenhigh at the vmfa... i think i will post them together.
