Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Stephanie Jarosinski

Stephanie Jarosinski
The first floor gallery of the VCU Fine Arts Building has a memorial show of art by student Stephanie Jarosinski (1983-2005). I didn't know the name but looking at all the self-portraits in the show I thought I recognized her, and then saw a small poster for the show with her picture on it - I remember seeing her around. She was very pretty.

The show is a big collection of her student work, lots of portraits of family, friends, and herself. The piece above is a collage of paper-doll Stephanies - "art student", "dressed up", and "party".

Stephanie Jarosinski
Some pictures of Japanese things. A portrait of her grandmother looks very Asian, she was probably part Japanese.

Stephanie Jarosinski
She looks happy. Too young. Makes me want to cry.


  1. That is so did she die? Is that ok to ask? How horrible.

  2. It is okay to ask, but I don't know the answer.

  3. According to an obituary my parents had sent me, people believe she may have had some sort of dietary or eating disorder; if I remember correctly, she was found the day before her wedding? Is that true? My parents were really broken up about it and it's true the story will make you cry your eyes out. I think she was in one of my classes and was a class-friend of mine, but I've never found a picture of her since that day so I've never been sure. I have to see her show, and I'm glad you made me aware of it.


  4. You didn't hear this from me but she was on a crash diet for her wedding, she died from a potassium defiency. I won't give any more details about it out of respect for her and what happened. The show is very nice and is a fitting tribute to a fellow student.

  5. I was stephanie's roomate for a year, and a good friend of hers. I organized the art show along with breon tyler. I appreciate the interest in stephanie as a person. However, it is cruel for someone to start dumbs rumors. Stephanie had an eating disorder but it was not some crash diet for her wedding. That was not what I want people to focus on when they think of steph. Steph's wedding was very important to her, if anything she was trying to be healthy for her wedding. She was so excited and thrilled. she was so in love. The last months of her life were the happiest. My friend was beautiful, unique, and genuine. Please get the facts right before you defame such a wonderful person. Yes it is sad that she is gone, but her art work, her humor and her love is what I remember. That was my girl. She gave everyone so much respect, I hope in her passing people will learn some compassion. This isn't some crass art critique, this was a real person. A wonderful friend. If anything, steph battled the darkness, and pursued beauty with a vengeance. Life owes her a debt of gratitude. i will admire and love her forever.

  6. First to address all above, we the friends and loved ones of Stephanie appreciate your interest in her life and her art! To address Dennis Matthews... NO I didn't hear anything from you, nor could you give any further details even if you wanted to BECAUSE YOU HAVE NONE TO GIVE! The responsibility of disseminating information regarding Stephanie's passing in no way belongs to you. You are merely an observer of her art. Period. You have absolutely no access to information about how and why Stephanie died. Furthermore, you were apparently NO friend of the artist, because if you were you would not speak of the details of her passing in this type of forum in such a cavalier manner as you have. And you have spoken ERRONEOUSLY let me hasten to add. If you know not what the word erroneously means... simply put.... you are wrong! The art show was a tribute to a beautiful life and the art that was born out of the union of that beautiful life and this trying world. The show was not an inquisition into the details of the private life of the artist. To say that you will restrain yourself from releasing ANY MORE details out of respect is ABSURD! Respect? You have shown absolutely no respect for the deceased nor any for those that have survived her whom she loved. For what more could you say? And how much more wrong could you have been? Again I must say for those of you who have genuinely and innocently inquired about Stephanie's art work, and about the artist is understandable and appreciated. Your concern is visible and welcomed. Thank you for your interest in her work, she is obviously very deserving of it because she was a master at her craft! As for Dennis Matthews, I should only hope that you learn quickly to censor yourself before you speak so ignorantly of things that you know little to nothing about! Speaking as a very close friend of the artist, she was even more beautiful on the inside than she was physically beautiful. To know her was to be blessed, to be loved by her was an eteral blessing. Anything and everthing that she wanted the public to know, she communicated to the world through her art. Those of you who are true artists and art conisuers will be able to recieve certain truths about the artist that reveal themselves in her work. Those who lack the artistic vision to do so will simply waste their time speculating and gossiping about rumors that they can neither confirm nor matter. If you want to know about the artist, turn to her work that survives her for the answers. Defending the untarnishable legacy of a dear friend... Thank you.

  7. Nicely put Mercedes. I was so excited to see that people were interested in steph's work, but hurt to see false info spread. Steph's fiance,friends and family don't need anymore discomfort at a time like this. I know it is almost human nature to speculate, but some tact would be nice. I'm glad that many people enjoyed the show, "francesca's beautiful struggle". This was a young artist, who was not about pleasing the "art world", and she was not about "trendy" art. Steph's work was deeply personal, and a beautiful struggle it was. Art was never seperate from everyday life for steph.

  8. I went to high school with Stephanie and just found out today that she died. I remember her as such a fun, beautiful, crazy girl. We played JV volleyball together. She was soooo funny and just fun to be around. I'm glad that her artwork is being appreciated. Mercedes, if you read this, I want to know how sorry I am for your loss. You and Stephanie we're so funny together and I can't imagine what you are going through.
