Friday, March 17, 2006

Tricia Keightley

Tricia Keightley
Tricia Keightley is one of the artists exhibiting at ADA. Very into the precision and colors, the tinted backgrounds. John said these paintings are like what Jules Verne might have imagined paintings of the future to be like.

Tricia Keightley
They are like illustrations of machines from the castle laboratory. Maybe you can find this making cotton-candy at a Renaissance fair.

Tricia Keightley
Gothic. Stained glass.

more later...


  1. Tricia K. is amazing. Her work is intense. I am so excited and surprised to see her work on your blog. Hi.

  2. Those are gorgeous. I'll have to shimmy down and check'em out.
    Oh how I envy those gifted with precision!

  3. She is a good painter and is a nice person too - she was at the opening a couple weeks ago.

    I have a detail shot on my blog - they are super precise but still warm...

  4. W - I didn't go to the openings, but I've visited the show a few times. I still want to post more stuff from that show, and more about Keightley, but I'm so slow and easily distracted. Sorry.
