Wednesday, April 19, 2006

some various things about art, PLUS

Nonesuch Call To Artists - Nonesuch is holding an open call for the next show, Thrift Store Art Edit. They are looking for "recycled" art - something you found or got at a thrift store and made art out of. A re-worked painting, a screen-printed or embroidered clothing, sculpture. Anything! Deadline is May 3rd for the opening May 5th.

producto placemento - a long while back I was sent a copy of Calvin Tomkins' Rauschenberg book Off the Wall, with the understanding that I would mention it on the world-famous trend-setting anaba - but I never did. I only read it. Then a few weeks ago the same publisher sent me another book! I got a nice big artbook called Calder/Miro, all about their friendship, full of images. I'm so surprised they sent me another book when I didn't do anything about the first one - so... THANKS Sam!

I can't find the Calder/Miro book on their site, so no link, sorry. I've enjoyed them both, took a lot of notes on the Rauschenberg, and am getting some inspiration from the Calder/Miro book.

more on producto placemento - they must have sent that Rauschenberg book to every artblogger because I saw it everywhere!!! It was even very heavily lifted from in Michael Kimmelman's NYTimes review of the Rauschenberg show.

plea for more producto placemento - hello digital camera company? computer company? maybe local giants Phillip Morris or Capital One would like to sponsor anaba? mmmm, cigarettes and credit cards, so nice! love them!

Gainsborough, Fitzherbert
Chris Ashley - this is such a good artblog. He posts excellent html drawings almost every day, and sometimes makes longer posts about art that he is thinking about. This recent post on Gainsborough's brushstrokes was so invigorating and informative; it was good to see and think about in relation to the Katherine Bernhardt painting posted on PaintersNYC at about the same time.

Tao-chi Landscape, 17thC.
The following week Chris posted the above Tao-chi painting, to show how that had informed some of his own recent work. That was exciting to see because I have also looked at this Tao-chi painting; you can see the same mountains and a little guy here, the dots and a little guy here (the guy in the shack is hard to see, he's on the left), more dots and the person becomes the mountain here. It is fun to see where paintings come from - Wendy White has posted some of her work in comparison with a Frederick Church I've never seen, although I think she discovered the Church maybe after she had made the painting. That happens a lot too.

Chris Ashley's essay on the Tao-chi painting is here.

Chris Ashley
Chris Ashley, La Loma (Berkeley Painting #4), 2006, oil and aluminum Rust-oleum on clear acrylic on linen, 23 x 17 in

Sarah McEneaney - Sarah's show at Tibor De Nagy opens April 27th. Yay to Sarah McEneaney!

Hungry Hyena came to Richmond.

detail from my rainbow painting
I found a detail of my rainbow painting on the ADA site. This is one of those paintings that I never got a slide or a good picture of, you may have seen bits and pieces of it in other posts. Peter Halley's hand is in front of that little figure here. I like her thread hair.

He'll Draw You - this artist named Brock will draw you. You send him a photo or a link to a photo and he'll make a drawing and send it to you. He's a student in Idaho and is doing it for fun, networking, and practice.

Race Photos!!! - Not art, sorry. Ham, I am. 49 minutes, 13 seconds!!!


  1. oh, well hey, lucky you! I am sometimes offered books by publishers (I always turn them down), but no one ever just sent me one out of the blue... Hey, do you remember back in the day, one of the Names from the Chelsea gallery scene went online with a blog--but it read like a teenage girl's diary? All about cute boys and who went to what party... made sane people want to throw up. Who was that?

  2. cinque - maybe you are thinking of oliver kamm's or dennis christie's blog? they are both chelsea gallerists with blogs that are more like lifestyle blogs than strictly about art.

  3. guess what i just discovered. there are 2 oliver kamms who blog. one is a serious political blogger. that's the one google will serve you up first. so here i was all ready to write an apology for my earlier comments until i realized... oh, that's not the same guy at all!
