Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Jason Coates

Jason Coates has three pieces in a show in the VCU gallery. These are the best Jason Coates paintings I have seen yet, by far! Very happy to see!

This one and the one below are full of subtle textures.

Lots of little details and stickers on this one that you can't see in this photo; dragonflies among the stars, rocket ships.

Crazy! All-Out! inter-STELLAR.


  1. i want one.

  2. I think mr coates has found a new path. I bought one of his paintings last spring called, 'helmut', from his vcu show down at plant zero. I didn't make it down the three steps, when I saw it. everyone who sees it, wants to touch it. I have to slap their hands. that is the kind of response you want with art, you want people to stop, be curious, ask questions. as in, "WHO the f*#king HELL is this?". I am certain that I am not the only one watching what sort of canvas comes out of his studio next.

  3. hello :)
    i am curently doing Alevel art at my school, i was just woundering if any one would know what the materials he would have used, and how you would creat something as striking as this?
    any advice or help you could give me would be appreceated :D
    thankz matt
