Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Art of This Century

My SOLO SHOW 2006 is NOW UP at GUGGENHEIM RICHMOND, also known as the "BIZARRO GUGGENHEIM", also known as the MARKEL BUILDING.

UPDATE: photos from the installation!
UPDATE: read the review!

The show runs October 20th - November 30th, 2006, at the Markel Building, 5310 Markel Road, Richmond VA. The building is only open Monday - Friday, about 9-5.

Directions from NYC: Get on the Chinese bus to Richmond, get off the Chinese bus in Richmond, look right and you will see the building.

There will be no reception.


  1. Congrats Martin! Looks and feels great.

  2. thanks, vic!

    if anyone goes and happens to have a camera and happens to take pictures... please e-mail them to me!!!

  3. show?? wow!!
    have i been there??
