Monday, October 23, 2006

good grief, jonathan franzen

Jonathan Franzen on Charles Schultz -

"Schulz wasn't an artist because he suffered. He suffered because he was an artist. To keep choosing art over the comforts of a normal life the opposite of damaged. It's the sort of choice that only a tower of strength and sanity can make."

Jonathan Franzen

RELATED: Powell's interview with Jonathan Franzen, BOMB interview with Jonathan Franzen, Slate's "Jonathan Franzen: A Defense".


  1. I have never read a meaner review than the one in the NYT. Also there was a very hostile review of "how to be alone" in Harpers last year sometime. I liked "how to be alone" but what do I know??

  2. that was a mean review, wasn't it? i read about it on tom moody's blog and then read the review.

    here is tom moody -

    the corrections and the de kooning bio are the last two books i was really really into. oh, and a book called "love and hate in jamestown". i started the jennifer egan book because corny said such good things about it, but then never finished it.
