Friday, October 27, 2006

sometimes i miss posting shows

This is a photo of Imi Hwangbo's piece from Ashley Kistler's Garden, the show that recently closed at the Visual Arts Center of Richmond. They have good shows... but for some reason I never get around to featuring them here... not often enough anyways.

Other good shows at the Visual Arts Center of Richmond that I've seen but spazzed out on spotlighting were Judith Shaecter's , Barbara Tisserat's, and Carrie Mae Weems'. Barbara got a good review in Art Papers.

Reed Anderson
Reed Anderson - Reed Anderson's piece from Garden... kinda liked it, but then not; I liked slowly noticing all the owls. Saw those owls in some student work recently, he inspired some kids. Nice studio shot... maybe I need to see more stuff.

Dario Robleto - One of Dario Robleto's pieces from his Weatherspoon show, a little like the Anderson; so much stuff, but something still missing for me. He'll be speaking at VCU soon.

RELATED: My "garden" piece, One Day in the Garden. You blew it, Kistler!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the Imi Hwangbo link. New to me and very cool.

    ps. loved the zombies too
