Monday, November 13, 2006

DC on RVA, plus..

Tyler Green has been posting images of the Bonnards that were given to VMFA by the estate of Paul Mellon. He also started to talk about the John Ravenal curated Artificial Light last week, but didn't finish.


The Grammar Police also announced they were coming to see that show.. but he hasn't said anything about it since. Did he come? I'm curious about what he thought, what else he might have seen...

Oh.. another DC guy is coming down soon. JT Kirkland has the next show at the new Red Door Gallery. Philadelphian Douglas Witmer will be showing concurrently.

RELATED: my first post on Artificial Light, my second post on Artificial Light, Paul Laster's interview with John Ravenal, for Artkrush.

PLUS: I was going through some old clippings and art stuff and found an old pamphlet for a 1993 Philadelphia show I was in... John Ravenal was on the Art Advisory Council! He was working at the Philadelphia Museum of Art at that time.

Weird to see the old things. Sarah McEneaney (one of my favorite artists) was in that show, Virgil Marti, Stuart Netsky, Shelley Spector. Ed Rendell and Anne D'Harnoncourt were at the very fancy reception, I guess John must have been also. I visited again with Mildred and my mom later on.

Richard Torchia was also on that council.. I always liked him. He worked at Moore College of Art at that time. They had some very good shows... first time to see David Wojnarowicz, Marlene Dumas, Adolf Wolfli.

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