Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Amanda Blackmon

Amanda Blackmon's new animations! Hit "refresh" to start it up again. YES, she is a Richmond artist. I am still here for another week.


  1. imagers.com i think the turnaround is usually a week but I hear they're cheap.
    these animations are ok, the paintings on her site are just awful, she really doesn't know what she's trying to do with paint. very sloppy although some of the drawings start to be interesting.
    where are you going?

  2. Martin, I will miss you.

  3. It is just woeful that you are leaving Richmond...but I'm looking forward to hearing about your new place and what you discover there!

  4. Martin, Where are you going and will you be coming back? Even on occasion?
    Perhaps this is coming in a future post?

  5. Wow! Thank you so very much, Anonymous. You must be a real paintin' expert, if you can tell that I don't know what I'm doing with paint merely by looking at low- resolution jpgs. I hope you an art teacher, so that you may impart your wisdom on young minds, you know, before they get too "sloppy." Also, have you ever considered having one of those talk shows like John Edward has? I mean, you're obviously psychic if you know what I was trying to do with paint and how miserably I have failed. Such wisdom and gifts should not be wasted on blogging alone. I beg of you, start a mission. Take your knowledge to the ignorant artists of the world. (I hear there's some German dude that paints with his own excrement! Or, maybe, different rules apply to feces, since your expertise lies with paint.) Anyway, think about it. I'm not even going to muster up the courage to ask you to give me private lessons. I couldn't...I mustn't...

  6. One of the great things about "the internets" is that so many people get to share their ideas. (People tell me that's a great thing, anyway.)

    In representation of the broad range of opinions out there, I would like to express sentiment in opposition to that stated by the 11:26 comment.

    I think one of the great things about Amanda's painting is that she knows exactly what she's doing with paint. I have admired that about her work since I first viewed it at VCU- she did really interesting things with color and narrative that were uniquely her own. In a sea of undergraduate wannabees, struggling to develop personal styles and voices (myself included), I always thought Amanda's work was the real deal- I still do.
    I seriously doubt that the anonymous poster has spent enough time with the work to appreciate it.

    But everybody's entitled to their opinion, of course.
