Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Richmond Street Boards

Some Richmond street boards... I've learned more since my last post on these, and been talking to one of the artists. S/he has also seen anaba, and told me s/he appreciated the comments of Curious very much.

Curious, are you out there? Thanks!

The artists have different names, like "Hope" and "Lost". I'm not sure who did what here, and some of the artists may be the same person using different names. Larry Lorca, another pseudonymous artist, has an EXCELLENT flickr set of many of the Richmond boards (from which I took these photos).


  1. I've wondered what these were. I have seen less intricate ones in the financial district.

  2. I saw this one back in December in Carytown. Don't know if it's still there.

  3. These are well-done. I especially like the fact that the artist has been careful to avoid telephone and utility poles... is it still true that the FAN association imposes/tries-to-impose $50 per flyer or piece of art stapled to area maintenance poles? I think this is a clever play on street signs, and the respect that the city is giving to the artist(s) for these works is highly admirable. I think the growing art consciousness in this city is definitely fostering respect on all sides for public art. It also helps that these pieces are relatively benign when compared to, say, Boston lightboxes, in the eyes of the law... but that's another matter altogether.

    Kudos to all those actively participating.

    Still here, just without a steady internet connection so my views are becomming limited...
