Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Cai Guo-Qiang's Mass Moca tiger installation VS. Huang Yong Ping's Mass Moca tiger installation

Cai Guo-Qiang... 2005


Huang Yong Ping
Huang Yong Ping... 2007

Oh man.. I saw Huang Yong Ping's not very engaging retrospective at Mass Moca... the worst (or maybe best) part was entering this room while ACTUALLY saying "this is the room where that last guy had those tired tigers"... and seeing ANOTHER tired tiger installation!

What?! Wow, they are keeping those Chinese tiger fabricators busy over there! Is there a tired tiger installation in the corner of every studio in China? I'm totally confused by the decison to put this new tiger in the exact same room as the last ones, I mean, this is a BIG museum, with both artist's individual exhibitions filling several galleries.

SORRY! We have NO WINNER in this contest... they are both DEAD BORING TIRED.

RELATED: Eric Fischl's Arthur Ashe Statue VS. Paul DiPasquale's Arthur Ashe Statue


  1. DEAD BORING TIRED? You'll be excited to hear about the Guo-Qiang retrospective coming up at the Gugg. It'll be fun, maybe bring you some cheer, excuse you from the large part of the state for a short bit. What are you doing up in the frigid north anyways? Have you seen the Gordon Matta-Clark show at the Whitney? It's awesome. We've got a new couch, come try it out.

  2. KAI! no, i will pass on that Guo-Qiang retro...

    BUT.. yes, a night or two on your couch sounds pretty good...

    i'm not doing much of anything up here... CHILLING. but i joined a gym, and am trying to ice skate. i'm also THE guy to call for for dog and house sitting.

    oh.. i am sort of job hunting. actually, i applied for a two month sub postion in nyc but haven't heard back at all.

    i'm going to apply to all the nyc space things coming up too.
