Friday, March 02, 2007

Landscape Architects, at the Arts Center of the Capital region

Artists Space curator Jennifer Moon has organized a show, Landscape Architects, at the Arts Center of the Capital Region (Troy, NY). I saw this show last week when I saw the Paul Santoleri installation at the same place.

Nicola Lopez has a tangle of roads and pipes clustered on the ceiling, spreading out and down the walls. I'm into the colors of those silvery pipes, with the green and blue water, pictured above. The big mass conglomeration on the ceiling could have been maybe denser, or bigger, or a little less black, or less ribbony... or something. It didn't have the same presence as the stuff on her website. Oh... this one looks like it's dancing.

Maybe I should just go back and look at it again.

This is a detail of one of Charlene Liu's pieces.... all of those little rocks are collaged on.... the larger crystalline white forms are painted. Here is the whole thing.

I liked the cut-out paper rocks, they remind me of Frederick.

Matthew Hamilton gloppy structure.... umm, i like this one especially, because of Grunewald.

Matthew Hamilton. These are on layers of mylar. Click on those pictures to see them bigger.

So... I wasn't KRAZY about any of the work in this show, and the space felt too white and too empty, but there were lots of parts of stuff that were rewarding.

ARTISTS & CURATORS: Here is the information if you would like to maybe have a show, or curate a show, at the Arts Center of the Capital Region. The deadline is April 13th.

I was in a show here with some good artists in 2003. Here is the review.

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