Monday, April 30, 2007

J. Massey Rhind

J. Massey Rhind fountain in Albany, NY...

I have to credit Paul DiPasquale, with his Arthur Ashe statue and Neptune statue, for getting me hooked on noticing how wondrous and bizarre public figure sculpture can be.

Gorgeous plaque reads: This Fountain Was Erected By Henry L. King, In Memory Of His Father, Rufus H. King, 1893. J. Massey Rhind, Sculptor.
I ran a 5K in this park on Friday... my time was 24:01, but my sister-in-law beat me by a whole minute.


  1. I went to a wedding there in 1977...

  2. Hi Martin,
    That is an amazing tribute/fountain/sculpture.

    ...course location is everything!
    Thank you for the cudos.
    P. DiPasquale
