Tuesday, April 10, 2007

John Beech

John Beech at Peter Blum. I was really into his sculpture...

John Beech
This piece is like a little tomb or sarcophagus... kind of Paul Thek. Just a big block of dirty foam, some plexi, and some silver tape.

John Beech
He had some sculpture on poles leaning against the wall... called leaners. This one is Cushion Leaner #1... it's an old blue denim(?) cushion encased in plexi.

John Beech

John Beech
Sonotube Leaner, Blunt Leaner, Car-Mat Leaner.

John Beech
These leaners are a little like Huang Yong Ping's Face/Brains... but from THE FUTURE.

thanks, John Beech.


  1. Yeah these are hot! I knew of his dumpster drawings and his rotating paintings. But these are a great addition. A real fertile mind at work. And the diversity of approaches is inspiring. Great post.

  2. this room had some big paintings, and there was another room of smaller pieces... but i liked these plexi sculptures best, with the green line piece just visible in the top picture.

  3. nice blog. John Beech is great.
    Blog on!
