Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Shirley Jaffe

Shirley Jaffe, Horizons, 2006

This group show at Lennon Weinberg was good to walk into... so much color. I had just been to maybe three or four restrained, bare-bones, Japanese-y group shows in a row with exactly the same tatami/straw/white/stone subdued palette... what was up with all of that? There was some good work, but it was like an editor from Elle Decor curated all of them.

Shirley Jaffe, The Chinese Mountain, 2004-05

Harriet Korman
Harriet Korman, Untitled, 2007 - the Harriet Korman was another favorite... and she was also a favorite from High Times, Hard Times.


  1. beautiful and unapologetic
    jaffe sure has been around a lot.
    is it too stuart davis? i don't think so.
    korman is tops, so simple and complex
    are all the best abstract painters today women?

  2. there are a lot, yes. who else are you thinking of? joanne greenbaum comes to mind.

    i just added an "abstract painting" label... if you hit one of my labels they only go back twenty posts though.

  3. There is a lot of this geometric art hitting the circuit these days - just notice the stuff on paintersnyc also... Not too sure what it portends, but too much of straight lines make me dizzy...

  4. sunil - i'm not sure exactly what you're referring to.. the torben g.?

    jaffe is in a different league...

    these are coming more from stuart davis and matisse than whomever else. she's in her 80's, has been doing this a long time, and lives in france...

    ps - we don't say "hitting the circuit, gallery crawl, methinks, me likey, IMO" on anaba. LOL!

  5. These are VERY Stuart Davis, which I say with affection because I love his work. Seriously, the "Chinese Mountain" painting looks straight off his easel.

  6. I love Stuart Davis as much as I should, which is a lot, but I think it's not too much of a compliment to tie Jaffe to him. I mean that would be like tying Gorky to Miro (hahaha).
    But I see a certain grandeur in Jaffe. Can't tell from the screen, but seems her paint handling is more serene (or if you're not feeling generous you might say flat and boring, but that wouldn't be fair) whereas Davis seems to goop it on, almost with gritted teeth, desipte the clean edges
    and of course composition is less congested than Davis.
