Wednesday, January 30, 2008


dumpy the snowman.


  1. A suburbanite's tribute to Charlie Finch no doubt.


  2. haha, i was thinking of your piece and the picture on art fag city when i posted this.

    not suburban though... just plain old sticks.

  3. The Sticks. That is my life now. We live in Olmstedville, NY which is six hours away from NYC located in the middle of Adirondack State Park (Google map it and it is completely surrounded by green and nothin’ else). State Park land is right down the street from us. There are only 120 kids in the K-12 school around the corner. There are no stores per se, only Sullivan's, which is a gas station convenience store (you pump and then pay inside), and a restaurant called the Lucky Leprechaun (we live on Irishtown Road and no I am not Irish), whose hours of business are still a mystery to me. We live in a modest ranch house with cedar siding with a wood stove in the living room and we can see mountains from the front yard. I was brought up in suburban Long Island so there is definitely a clear cut difference between Nassau County and the STICKS. Thanks for clarifying.

  4. Sorry if my grammar was screwed up in the last comment. I worked as a proofreader for many years (in the distant past thankfully) and I just don't have the energy to do rewrites on a blog comment. The pic on artfagcity is the same one I used for my loving tribute to the Finchster. It is the only good one that comes up in a google image search.

  5. martin, this snowman is your spitting image. have you been making snow self portraits up in NY?

  6. Oh, that is so funny!
    I thought Bhudda when I first saw it.

  7. strawberry cindy?

    okay, it's true, i have packed on a few pounds.

  8. haha, yes, strawberry cindy. what an endearing nickname!
    come visit richmond! I have a studio with some ladies at Plant zero, which is an up and coming printmaking studio.

    we all miss you at the cafe.

  9. cindy, it would be nice to be back in rva... hey, how was the river level this past summer 2007? was it really low? maybe it was a good summer to be away.

    i can't believe the monument avenue 10k is less than two months away, that would be fun.

    the printmaking studio is awesome
